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rankin' rob

Bleacher Creature was our best player two years running, back in the day.

Mike Lum

When we bought our current house in 1995, a previous occupant had stuck a late 70's era Braves bumper sticker in a closet - complete with Rally's autograph. With those big paws and such a long name, the bleacher Creature probably didn't give many autographs!


I stil like him better than Homer The Brave.


I had a stuffed Bleacher Creature - wish I could find it!

Willie Montanez

The Bleacher Creature lived in my neighborhood... as did Mr. Wrestling # 1

Viva Rufino Linares!

I don't remeber the Creature, but that picture is awesome!

clete boyer fan

Aah, the Bleacher Creature. An abomination that was thankfully short-lived.


I don't remember a Braves mascot that ate children.

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