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I hope they can work out something without including Schafer, because I figure we need him in center next season. Maybe they'd take Frenchy instead.

Viva Rufino Linares!

I think Anderson maybe the odds on favorite for the lead off spot, if Yesco is traded. Gorkys may be next in line, depending on his spring. If we keep Prado, I think he'd be a decent number 2, but we have yet to see if KJ will move to LF or not. Then it's Chipper, McCann, Kotchman, Frenchy, KJ, Greene then the pitcher. Looking at that line up, we could use more power. A lot more power.

clete boyer fan

Caz, I don't know if San Diego had Greene leading off but if they did, it wasn't a good idea. He doesn't walk much, he strikes out a LOT, and last season he hit .213. Most years, his OBP is under .300. His only asset on offense is that he has some pop in his bat and he can give you some extra bases. He's a 7th or 8th place hitter at best.


Is Khalil Greene a possible leadoff hitter? I can't remember where he batted in the San Diego lineup.

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