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Marlins and Brewers, both.

My dream of a Gotham-free October is close to fruition.


My friends, today we are all Marlins fans.


Van Poppell=Pitcher=Jeff George=Quarterback


Your namesake is profiled again at Cardboard Gods:


Willie Montanez

I am a Braves/baseball fan because of Hank Aaron. It was his chase of the HR record which led me to baseball and for that he will always be my favorite player.

The timing of it did seem very strange and petty to me as well, even though it does seem like Aaron is given little recognition for his role in building this franchise. If it is going to make him happy to be a part owner of the Cubs, then I wish him well.

clete boyer fan

I don't think that this would count as a feud; I certainly wouldn't put it in the Herock vs Glanville category. Just because you're not chummy with your colleagues doesn't mean that you have/had disagreements all the time. Perhaps Hank just feels overlooked and maybe he should. People forget that during his tenure as Farm Director, the Braves developed Justice, Glavine, Gant, Blauser, Mercker, Stanton, Lemke, et. al... It does seem curious that Hank would want to raise this now, but this'll blow over quickly.

Viva Rufino Linares!

I'm with you CB. Not sure why Hank is bringing this up now. I think Hank not only feels taken for granted by the Braves, but by baseball in general. I think it's warranted to a degree, but not in this case. The bottom line is Chipper is a Brave and the organization made the correct decision.


He's long felt taken for granted and that he's been denied his due in his role in developing this team.

As for Van Poppell, I distinctly remember that his parents were very clear beforehand that they thought little of the Braves organization and they were afraid we'd pull a David Clyde on their son's precious arm.

I have always suspected (and I know that I'm not alone), that they colluded with the A's. I can't imagine Oakland taking a flier with a first round pick. I can remember Todd's old man snorting at our promoting Avery right after the draft and saying that it was the sort of situation he wanted to keep him away from and that we'd always be losers and his son was now primed to join the winning tradition of a first class organization, ad infinitum.

The fact that they short sightedly missed out on joining a rising franchise to glom onto a fading one, and that their son turned into the Next Tim Leary, rather than the Next Nolan Ryan, has always made me warm and contented inside.

It's possible that Leo could have made something of him, but I really doubt it. A classic case of a guy with a million dollar arm and a five cent head.

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