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I will expect if Boston's lost faith in the guy, that would fit this scenario.


Some Other Mike

I see a report of the Sox trading an unnamed minor leaguer, and that Kotsay cleared waivers. The trade is pending player physicals.

Maybe the Sox sent Buchholz down to avoid waivers altogether? I don't know if such a move is allowed, but if Boston's lost faith in the guy, that would fit this scenario.


I sure hope so, SOM. I just wouldn't expect much in return for Kotsay. But every little bit helps.


Unbelievable! Braves win! Braves win! Braves win! And a one run win to boot!

Some Other Mike

CB, are we rebuilding or not?


I vote for Dana Kiecker. I suppose Tim Naehring would be too much to ask. Bobby Sprowl, perhaps?


Even now, Drew's shenanigans are costing us.

My guess is that we get the rights to Bob Zupcic. Or maybe Randy Kutcher.

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