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Order taking services

Yeah, I would prefer one of:
KJ, Diaz, Chipper, Tex, Frenchy, McCann Escobar and Kotsay!



Yeah, Kotsay is a career .280 hitter; it would be a waste to put him at the end of the lineup - he actually might make a decent #2 hitter, as Rob says above.

rankin' rob

Love those buck teeth...


Can you say MRS. HOTSAY!!!??


As the 'Muse of Arlen' might say regarding Kotsay's wife, "Good Gravy!"

Erik Peterson

I think it'll go down like this:
1. Esco
2. Kotsay
3. Chipper
4. Tex
5. McCann
6. Frenchy
7. KJ
8. Diaz/BJ

But I would prefer one of:
KJ, Diaz, Chipper, Tex, Frenchy, McCann Escobar, Kotsay
Escobar, KJ, Chipper, Tex, McCann, Frenchy, Kotsay, BJ

depending on the handedness of the pitcher. I think that Diaz is a really good 2nd hitter, and it is crucial that KJ be in the 1 or 2 spots. His ability to take pitches is a huge boost to the front of the order.


If Kotsay is anywhere close to his former self, he'll be much better than a #8 hitter. This guy was ripping AL pitching a few years ago before the back issues. If he's healthy, he's #2 or #7, and maybe #6.

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